Run the Adventure
Run the Adventure
Ep 13. Dragons of Despair - Dungeons & Dragons
In this special episode, I am joined by Justin Alexander from the Alexandrian and Atlas Games to talk about the Dragonlance module DL1 Dragons of Despair. For me the Dragonlance novels were a formative part of my childhood and I remember running this adventure for friends back in the 90s with some success. More recently, I brought it to the table for D&D 5th Edition.
I talk to Justin about what makes this a fun adventure, with some of its novel elements and innovations for the time. We also chat about the problems it has for those accustomed to the modern game and how these may be overcome. Justin gives his usual insights into adventure structure and design with hints at how you might remix this for your table. He also talks about some of the fascinating history of the production of the Dragonlance saga.
With a new generation about to be introduced to Dragonlance for the first time, this felt like a timely conversation going back to the roots of the setting.
Further Resources:
- Dragons of Despair (AD&D 1e) PDF on DriveThruRPG
- Dragons of Autumn PDF collection (D&D 3.5) on DriveThruRPG
Also check out the excellent D&D Actual Play podcast, Tale of the Manticore.
If you have questions, thoughts or suggestions about this episode please get in touch by email gm@runtheadventure.com or on Twitter @rta_podcast.
Listen to the show for a special discount from DungeonLand.