Run the Adventure
A podcast about getting the most out of published modules for your tabletop roleplaying game. Every episode I take a look at a module to show you where the fun is and how you might want to tweak it to suit your game. I hope even if you decide not to play this particular module, you will get some interesting ideas out of it. This podcast is aimed at gamesmasters or players who want to be gamesmasters.
Run the Adventure
Ep 14. Gateways to Terror - Call of Cthulhu
Syd Razavi
Season 1
Episode 14
In this Halloween special, I am joined by Mike Mason, line editor for Call of Cthulhu at Chaosium. We talk about the Gateways to Terror collection of short scenarios for Call of Cthulhu. These scenarios are perfect for beginner keepers or as introductions to players who've never played Call of Cthulhu before.
We also cover advice for new keepers and those hoping to write their own scenarios for the game. There's a lot to chew on in this episode!
Further Resources:
If you have questions, thoughts or suggestions about this episode please get in touch by email gm@runtheadventure.com or on Twitter @rta_podcast.
Listen to the show for a special discount from DungeonLand.